Director Superos Fund Management
Sales Director
SUPEROS FUND MANAGEMENT, Management of alternative investment funds, Ltd.
Ameriška ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana
mat.št.: 8681511000, dav.št.: SI80481531
Superos Fund Management, Ltd. is an alternative investment fund, registered with Securities Market Agency. Suitable for conservative investors.
V svoji pestri karieri je vodil in uspešno skrbel za upravljanje premoženja velikih investitorjev. Je strokovnjak na področju postavljanja strategij, postavitvi risk procesov ter finančne stabilnosti podjetja. Zaključil je številna kompleksna prestrukturiranja ter nekatere najpomembnejše projekte na področju združitev podjetij v regiji.
Strokovnjak z več kot 20 let mednarodnih izkušenj na področju zavarovalništva, bančništva, upravljanja premoženja in vodenja investicijskih skladov. Uspešno zaključil več projektov odpiranja novih trgov in vodenja novih podjetij v tujini za podjetja, ki so se širila v tujino.
V svoji bogati karieri ima več kot 30 let izkušenj v vodenju velikih podjetij, postavitvi optimalne organizacije in procesov po spojitvi podjetij, vodenju procesov optimizacije in prilagoditvi optimalnih stroškov s ciljem finančne in poslovne uspešnosti.
V svoji več kot 20 letni karieri je pridobila izkušnje najprej v javnem sektorju in nato skoraj 15 let v gospodarstvu tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini. Managersko kariero je zgradila na področju uspešne združitve več podjetij, prestrukturiranja tako na finančnem kot poslovnem področju, vodenju podjetij različnih panog, postavitvi kulture podjetja, učinkovitih procesov in z graditvijo močnih uspešnih teamov.
In his varied career Klemen has led and successfully managed assets of big investors. He is an expert in setting strategies, designing risk processes, and leading companies to financial stability. Klemen has seen numerous complex restructurings to successful ends, and led some of the most important merger projects in the region.
Boštjan is an expert with more than 20 years of international experience in insurance, banking, asset management, and leading investment funds. He has successfully led multiple projects focused on opening new markets, leading new companies abroad, and, once there, expanding them into local success stories.
In his diverse and extensive career, Andrej has more than 30 years of experience in leading large companies, establishing optimal organisationsand processes after company mergers, directing optimisation processes and streamlining expenses, all with the goal of cementing financial and business success.
Throughout her more than 20-year career, Mateja has acquired extensive experience in both the public and private sectors in Slovenia and abroad. She built her career in management by leading mergers, directing financial and organisational restructurings, and leading companies in a variety of fields. Mateja is focused on establishing a company’s culture, streamlining business processes and building strong, successful teams.
With flexible financial solutions according to the highest business and moral standards, as well as an agile and dynamic customer-centric approach, we want to raise the bar when setting new standards. We believe and constantly prove that our approach is superb and we are best-equipped for the challenges of the future.
Tanja has over 20 years of experience at ALTA Invest and Poteza d.o.o.. Her expertise ranges from managing all the company‘s internal processes to leading its sales network. She has successfully run and integrated an enviable number of developmental projects.